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Abbreviations MCQs

PSDP is the abbreviation of _____.

    1. Punjab Sector Development Programme
    2. Public Sector Development Programme
    3. Public Sector Development Planning
    4. Provincial Sector Development Programme

SAARC is the abbreviation of _____.

    1. South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
    2. South African Association for Regional Cooperation
    3. South American Association for Regional Cooperation
    4. South Asian Association for Random Cooperation

NEPRA is the abbreviation of _____.

    1. National Electric Power Regulatory Association
    2. National Electric Power Regulatory Authority
    3. Natural Electric Power Regulatory Authority
    4. National Electric Power Regulatory Agency

PCSIR is the abbreviation of _____.

    1. Punjab Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
    2. Pakistan Council of Scientific and Information Research
    3. Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
    4. Pakistan Court of Scientific and Industrial Research
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