- United Nations India-Pakistan Observation Mission
- United Nations Internal-Pakistan Observation Mission
- United Nations India-Pakistan Official Mission
- United Nations India-Pakistan Observation Memorandum
Abbreviations MCQs
UNICEF is the abbreviation of _____.
- United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
- United Nations Internal Children’s Emergency Fund
- United Nations International Cultural Emergency Fund
- United Nations International Children’s Emergency Foundation
UNESCO is the abbreviation of _____.
- United Nations Elementary, Scientific and Cultural Organization
- United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization
- United Nations Education, Social and Cultural Organization
- United Nations Educations, Scientific and Crime Organization
UNDCP is the abbreviation of _____.
- United Nations Development Control Programme
- United Nations Drug Control Programme
- United Nations Drought Control Programme
- United Nations Drug Control Planning
UNCTD is the abbreviation of _____.
- United Nations Coherence on Trade and Development
- United Nations Conference on Tourism and Development
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Devaluation
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
UHF is the abbreviation of _____.
- Ulfa High Frequency
- Ultra High Frequency
- Uni High Frequency
- Ultra High Fraud
UGC is the abbreviation of _____.
- Union Grants Commission
- Unidentified Grants Commission
- University Grants Commission
- University Graft Commission
UFO is the abbreviation of _____.
- Unions Flying Objects
- Unidentified Flying Object
- Unidentified Floating Object
- South East Asia Treaty Officer
TOEFL is the abbreviation of _____.
- Technical of English as a Foreign Language
- Test of English as Foreign Language
- Test of English as a Formal Language
- Test of English as a Final Language
TDCP is the abbreviation of _____.
- Tourism Development Cooperation of Pakistan
- Trading Development Cooperation of Pakistan
- Tourism Development Company of Pakistan
- Tourism Development Cooperation of Punjab