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Abbreviations MCQs

UNIPOM is the abbreviation of _____.

    1. United Nations India-Pakistan Observation Mission
    2. United Nations Internal-Pakistan Observation Mission
    3. United Nations India-Pakistan Official Mission
    4. United Nations India-Pakistan Observation Memorandum

UNICEF is the abbreviation of _____.

    1. United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
    2. United Nations Internal Children’s Emergency Fund
    3. United Nations International Cultural Emergency Fund
    4. United Nations International Children’s Emergency Foundation

UNESCO is the abbreviation of _____.

    1. United Nations Elementary, Scientific and Cultural Organization
    2. United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization
    3. United Nations Education, Social and Cultural Organization
    4. United Nations Educations, Scientific and Crime Organization

UNDCP is the abbreviation of _____.

    1. United Nations Development Control Programme
    2. United Nations Drug Control Programme
    3. United Nations Drought Control Programme
    4. United Nations Drug Control Planning

UNCTD is the abbreviation of _____.

    1. United Nations Coherence on Trade and Development
    2. United Nations Conference on Tourism and Development
    3. United Nations Conference on Trade and Devaluation
    4. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

TOEFL is the abbreviation of _____.

    1. Technical of English as a Foreign Language
    2. Test of English as Foreign Language
    3. Test of English as a Formal Language
    4. Test of English as a Final Language

TDCP is the abbreviation of _____.

    1. Tourism Development Cooperation of Pakistan
    2. Trading Development Cooperation of Pakistan
    3. Tourism Development Company of Pakistan
    4. Tourism Development Cooperation of Punjab
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