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Mulitple Choice Questions
If a man drivers his motorcycle 170 KM in 2 days. How many Km he will drive in 15 days?
1275 Km
1440 Km
1380 Km
1306 Km
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Pakistan Penal Code,1860 (PPC) (257)
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Synonyms of the words beginning with “E” (70)
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Synonyms of the words beginning with “G” (81)
Synonyms of the words beginning with “H” (57)
Synonyms of the words beginning with “I” (93)
Synonyms of the words beginning with “J” (18)
Synonyms of the words beginning with “K” (12)
Synonyms of the words beginning with “L” (49)
Synonyms of the words beginning with “M” (71)
Synonyms of the words beginning with “N” (21)
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Synonyms of the words beginning with “P” (237)
Synonyms of the words beginning with “Q” (21)
Synonyms of the words beginning with “R” (201)
Synonyms of the words beginning with “S” (187)
Synonyms of the words beginning with “T” (31)
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General Assembly (11)
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United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) (3)
UPU (3)
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Wahi (5)
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NTS (418)
Past Solved Paper NTS Assistant Director Ministry of Defence 2015 (75)
Past Solved Paper NTS Assistant Director Ministry of Defence 2017 (188)
Past Solved Paper NTS Assistant Director Ministry of Defence 2019 (155)
Most Repeated MCQs (372)
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National Flag of Pakistan (7)
Nuclear Power (26)
Pakistan Atomic Power (4)
Pakistan Economic Surveys (76)
Pakistan Economic Survey 2018-19 (76)
Passes / Tunnels of Pakistan (74)
Physiography of Pakistan (44)
Plains and Soil of Pakistan (22)
Regimes / Political History of Pakistan (314)
Regimes / Political History (1947-1958) (136)
Regimes / Political History (1958-1969) (41)
Regimes / Political History (1969-1971) (16)
Regimes / Political History (1971-1977) (23)
Regimes / Political History (1977-1988) (31)
Regimes / Political History (1988-1993) (27)
Regimes / Political History (1993-1999) (17)
Regimes / Political History (1999-2008) (24)
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Sports (52)
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British Era (1857-1947) (258)
3rd June Plan (15)
All India Muslim League (23)
East India Company (1)
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Fourteen Points of Quaid-e-Azam (10)
Ideology of Pakistan (8)
Indian National Congress (15)
Jallianwala Bagh Incident (3)
Miscellaneous Sub-Continent Affairs (46)
Movements in Sub-Continent (17)
Pakistan Resolution (12)
Partition of Bengal (28)
Reforms / Legislation in British Era (49)
Government of India Act, 1935 (13)
Round Table Conferences / Communal Award (16)
Simla Deputation 1906 (13)
Cabinet Mission / Cabinet Plan (11)
Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526) (160)
Khilji Dynasty (1290-1320) (38)
Lodhi Dynasty (1451-1526) (13)
Saddat / Sayyid Dynasty (1414-1451) (12)
Slave Dynasty (1206-1290) (65)
Tughlaq Dynasty (1320-1414) (33)
Gandhi-Jinnah Talks/Wavell Plan (11)
Mughal Rule (1526-1857) (19)
Nehru Report 1928 (8)
Simla Conference 1945 (11)
Wars of the Sub-Continent (5)
Uncategorized (1)