- Edward Jenner
- Larven
- William Harvey
- Kari Landsteiner
Biology MCQs
RNA differs from DNA in containing _____.
- Ribose
- Cytocline
- Deoxyribose
- Phosphate
The heart beat is initiated and regulated by nodal tissue made of specialised cardiac muscles called _____.
- Alveolar tissue
- Purkinje tissue
- Spongy tissue
- None of the above
Which of the following enzymes is present in the saliva?
- Bile
- Pepsin
- Ptyalin
- Rennin
The terminal part of vertebral column in man is called _____.
- Telson
- Urostyle
- Coceyx
- Pygostyle
Colourblind person cannot distinguish red from _____.
- Yellow
- Blue
- Green
- White
Which one of the following is hereditary disease?
- Haemophilia
- Cholera
- Polio
- Typhoid
Which one of the followings is produced by hybridization and selective breeding?
- Neeli-Ravi Buffalo
- Rahu-Thaila hybrid
- Sahiwal Ox
- All of the above
Who among these was produced by genetics engineering?
- Nacy sheep
- Dhani ox
- Jersey-Sahiwal cow
- Rahu-thaila carp
The persons whose blood has a reduced capacity of delivering oxygen to tissues suffer from _____.
- Haemophilia
- Sickle cell anaemia
- Anaemia
- None of the above