- Eustachian tube
- Cochlea
- Sacculus
- Semicircular canals
Biology MCQs
The total number of bones in human skull are _____.
- 20
- 30
- 40
- 50
Sweat glands occur in greatest number in the skin of the _____.
- Armpits
- Palm of hand
- Forehead
- Back
Which of the following is least infectious?
- Leprosy
- Hepatitis
- Tuberculosis
- Conjunctivities
Which of the following diseases is inheritable ?
- Leukaemia
- Colour blindness
- Malignancy
- Hepatitis
which of the following statements about AIDS is correct?
- It does not affect women
- It generally affects the brain
- AIDS virus can vary its genetic code outwitting a vaccine
- All those infected by a blood transfusion get AIDS within five years
Oncogene is responsible for _____.
- Typhoid
- Malaria
- Cancer
Three communicable diseases prevalent in developing countries caused by unsafe drinking water and bad sanitation are:
- Malaria, acute diarrhoea and schinstosomiasis
- Rheumatism, malaria and AIDS
- Acute diarrhoea, cancer and gout
- Onchocerciasis, leukemia and arthritis
A person having obesity is more likely to suffer from which of the following diseases?
- Hypertension
- Diabetes
- Coronary attack
- 1 and 2
- 2 and 3
- 1 and 3
- 1,2, and 3
Which of the following is skin disease?
- Anaemia
- Pellagra
- Osteomalacia
- Ricket