- Image
- Audio
- Flash
- Video
Computer MCQs
CDMA-technology used in Mobile Phones stands for _____.
- Coding and Development of Mobile Applications
- Code Division Multiple Access
- Code Division Mobile Application
- None of the above
What is “Rendering” in video editing?
- Final Step Of Video Production
- Splitting Clips Into Several Parts
- Putting Effects Into Clips
- Combining Clips
Who was the World first Computer Programmer?
- Bill Gates
- Niklaus Wirth
- Ada Lovelace
- Dennis Ritchie
Which of the following is a characteristic of Web 2.0 applications?
- Multiple users schedule their time to use Web2.0 applications one by one
- Web2.0 applications provide users with content rather than facilitating users to create it
- Web2.0 applications are focused on the ability for people to collaborate and share information online
- Web2.0 applications use only static pages
Borders can be applied to _____.
- Cells
- Text
- Paragraph
- All of the above
The pre-released software’s version is called _____.
- Alpha
- Beta
- Gamma
- None of the above
In MS Word, a list of synonyms is provided by _____.
- Thesaurus
- Replace Command
- Find command
- Spelling and Grammar
The primary function of the _____ is to set up the hardware and load and start an operating system.
- System Programs
- CP
- Memory
When a custom tab stop is set, Word _______.
- clears all default tab stops
- clears all default tab stops to the right of the custom tab stop
- clears all default tab stops to the left of the custom tab stop
- does not clear any default tab stops