- Steam can penetrate the skin
- Steam contains more energy than boiling water
- Steam is at a higher temperature
- Steam is at a higher pressure
Water is a highly effective coolant for a car engine because _____.
- Water has very high specific heat capacity
- Water is good conductor of heat
- Water boils at a comparatively high temperature
- Evaporation of water produces lot of cooling
A train goes past a railway station at a high speed. A young boy standing on the edge of the platform is likely to _____.
- Remain unaffected
- Fall away from the train
- Fall towards the train
- Fall away from or towards the train depending upon the speed
Which of the following sets of colour combinations is added in colour vision in TV?
- Red, Green and Blue
- Orange, Black and Violet
- White, Red and Yellow
- Yellow, Green and Blue
A Fahrenheit thermometer indicates a temperature of 14°F. Its corresponding reading on the Celsius scale will be _____.
- – 20°C
- – 10°C
- + 10°C
- + 20°C
Lead pencil falls through water more slowly than through air because _____.
- The value of ‘g’ is less in water
- Density of air is less than that of water
- Of the viscous force in water
- Of the surface tension of water
The rear view mirror of a motor vehicle is _____.
- Concave
- Convex
- Plane
- Biconcave
The primary function of the feathers in birds is to _____.
- Provide striking surface to the wings for flying
- Provide insulation for preserving body heat
- Make the body surface waterproof
- Impart colouration for species as well as sex recognition
What is ‘Stealth Technology’?
- A device which when attached to an aircraft makes it invisible on the radar
- A technology by which it is possible for the aircrafts to spy in the enemy air-space
- A coating which reduces the visibility of an aircraft on a radar
- A technology by using which paratroopers can be dropped stealthily behind the enemy columns
Bats can also fly in dark because they are capable of taking the help of _____.
- Ultraviolet Waves
- Ultrasonic Waves
- Electromagnetic Waves
- Special Retina
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