- fraud: property
- gouging: price
- monopoly: production
- foreclosure: mortgage
Ahmed advised me _____ appear _____ the examination. (Complete the sentence by choosing the most appropriate option)
- for …..in
- in …..for
- to …..by
- to …..for
The visitor was of an _____ age: white-haired, but baby-faced, he might have been twenty-five or fifty. (Complete the sentence by choosing the most appropriate option)
- assiduous
- unalterable
- indecorous
- indeterminate
He cannot stop his son _____ smoking. (Complete the sentence by choosing the most appropriate option)
- from
- at
- too
- to
Hydrofoils _____ employ the same principles that keep airplanes in the air. (Complete the sentence by choosing the most appropriate option)
- fly through the waves
- flying through the waves
- were flying through the waves
- flew through the waves
The research is so _____ that it leaves no part of the issue unexamined. (Complete the sentence by choosing the most appropriate option)
- comprehensive
- rewarding
- sporadic
- economical
Which one of the following assumptions is necessary to make the conclusion in the argument above logically correct?
- The stand sells many fruits and vegetables
- This product stands sells only fruits and vegetables
- Something cannot be both vitamin rich and delicious
- Some stands sell fruits that are not delicious
Jamal _____ his head in shame. (Complete the sentence by choosing the most appropriate option)
- stretched
- nodded
- turned
- hung
The man who was driving the truck would not admit that the had been at fault, and _____. (Complete the sentence by choosing the most appropriate option)
- neither the other driver
- neither would the other driver
- neither had the other driver
- the other driver neither
When the new artistes started work, it was discovered that they could not make _____ what to do. (Complete the sentence by choosing the most appropriate option)
- out
- up
- in
- off
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